
Tuesday, 24 January 2012

English Language (Traffic Signs)

Before Translation :

I was amazed that there were many traffic signs in the city. entering the city center, there was (1)   .. As i know, it meant that the roadway was divided into two different directions. My father drove rather slowly about 40 to 50 kilometer per hour because there was. (2) my father had to stop the car when some people
crossed the road because there was (3). the car ran more slowly to prepare to stop after passing (4). when the stopped, i saw (5) . that later we would pass a crossroad by turning in circle way. at one direction there was (6) .so we didn't pass the road. then, i heard a noise of a plane flying when i saw. (7) The picture of the plane pointed the directions to the airport. after seeing (8), we got to the crossroad. there, I saw (9) . So, my father drove the car straight. after passing (10) . my father turned the car to it to fill gasoline into the car.

After Translation :
Saya kagum bahwa ada banyak rambu lalu lintas di kota. memasuki pusat kota, ada (1) .. Seperti yang saya tahu, itu berarti bahwa jalan itu dibagi menjadi dua arah yang berbeda. Ayahku mengantar agak lambat sekitar 40 sampai 50 kilometer per jam karena ada. (2) ayah saya harus menghentikan mobil ketika beberapa orang menyeberang jalan karena ada (3). mobil berlari lebih lambat untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk berhenti setelah melewati (4). ketika berhenti, saya melihat (5). nanti kita akan melewati persimpangan jalan dengan memutar dengan cara lingkaran. di satu arah ada (6) jadi kami. tidak lulus jalan. kemudian, saya mendengar suara pesawat terbang ketika saya melihat. (7) Gambar dari pesawat menunjuk arah ke bandara. setelah melihat (8), kami sampai perempatan. sana, saya melihat (9). Jadi, ayah saya mengendarai mobil lurus. setelah melewati (10). ayah saya membelokkan mobil ke sana untuk mengisi bensin ke dalam mobil.